Dominatrix Boss Sequel?…

Near the end of writing “Dominatrix Boss” I realized that I enjoyed these characters and that I wanted to carry on with them. I had a lot more story to tell, and I changed some of the end to set that up.

My initial idea was to get the sequel out quickly… then life happened. Relationships, Covid, business, illness, a death in the family, and more, were all part of the problem. But, when it comes to writing, unless you’re an established author, it’s always a fight to find time for writing. No matter what is going on.

Until you have a catalog of books out there, or a publisher who is guiding (and funding) your career, then it’s either taking care of something else… or writing.

What I needed to do was clear the deck and make time to write fiction, and that’s exactly what I’ve done over the past few months. I’ve made some changes in my life, I’ve turned down some opportunities, and I’ve done what I had to do to make writing EVERY DAY a possibility again.

Don’t think for a nanosecond that I wasn’t thinking about these characters and what was coming next though. I have a notebook full of stuff that you’re not going to believe. Not only is there going to be a sequel to “Dominatrix Boss” but another book after that, and… well, I don’t want to give too much away right now.

This is an official update on the sequel.

I’m working on it as you read this. I wrote 1200 words on it today. I’m halfway through it, and I’m making good progress. It’s going to be longer, more hot scenes, more emotion, and much more of Ava, Tim, and the gang you met in the first book.

If… if, I stay on this pace, then I’ll have a rough draft soon. The revision and alpha-reading will take place soon after.

I’ve been on this path before, and I can say that it feels a lot like where I was when I was getting close on the first book.

I’ve heard you.

I don’t go long before I see a new review, or get an email, or a DM asking when the sequel is coming out. I hear you. I’m excited and touched to hear that someone cares so much about the characters and situation I created. Thank you all.

I’m going to keep you up on where I am and how things are shaping up.

More news is coming soon!

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