Title Reveal and Big News!

It’s been over five years since I first published Dominatrix Boss. The path from there to here was filled with my father dying, all the associated ridiculousness of Covid, the best relationship of my life (then the worst), and all the other things that happen in a lifetime.

I wish I could say that all of those things kept me from writing the sequel, but they didn’t. Over the past five years one of my priorities was writing the sequel, but it was just one of many things that captured my attention.

Late in 2023, I decided that writing would become my main priority.

Dominatrix Boss Book by Asher Lake
One thing I wanted to do was align Dominatrix Boss with the look and feel of the sequel. A few months ago I did a polish on editing for the book, and added a bunch of new things, and completely redesigned the cover and interior.

But concurrently, I also was working on the sequel.

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It’s Done

The first draft of the sequel to Dominatrix Boss was finished earlier this year, and April 21st I finished the second draft. That was a big deal because the method that I used to compose half the first draft was a disaster.

If you’d like to read more about that, please read my article here. I detail it all there.

It’s been a heck of a journey, but I just locked the book. That means it’s fully edited (five drafts… maybe more), and it’s ready to publish.

My writer friend Thimble (check out his femdom fiction here) read the book and both offered some great advice, and also put my mind to rest about the overall book.

I also have the sequel in the hands of a few beta readers, and if they have great advice for me I can still make some tweaks. But, for the most part, this novel is done.

What’s left? I need to take the words and covert them to three formats, e-book, softback and hardback. The interior design needs to be completed, the cover work needs to be completed, and the promotional work needs to be wrapped, but those things should take only a month or less.

Dominatrix Squad

So, it’s time to share the title with you for the first time. The sequel to Dominatrix Boss will be Dominatrix Squad.

Dominatrix Squad
If you read Dominatrix Boss, then you’ll know who The Hot Squad is, and those characters will figure prominently in the sequel!

In the next few weeks I’ll be working hard behind the scenes to get this book put together and launched!

If you’d like to help with the launch, by sharing promotional posts, telling your friends, or have your own ideas, please contact me at asher@asherlake.net!


Next Step

At the beginning, I told you that writing was my priority now. That means that publishing Dominatrix Squad is top of my list now, but I’m also already thinking about my follow-up.

My plan is to move quickly to my next book. So, no more waiting five years. If things go well, my overall goal is to eventually just write stories for you all!

The next important step will be to do the cover reveal.

I’ll be in touch soon!

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